Sunday, June 10, 2012

*Navalgazing* Reflections at Thirteen Weeks (+1) Pregnant

The big excitement this week was the ultrasound on Monday, which I've already written about.  Other than that, not too much is new.  I continue to go up and down with my energy levels and nausea but feel like things are improving.  As I  mentioned last week I'm very much looking forward to not having to dress for work for much longer.  One of my co-workers who knows assures me that I'm not showing at all yet, but I can tell that my shape is changing (so can Jen).  I can actually feel my uterus now when I push on my stomach, which is kind of weird, so I don't do it much.  I also feel like I have to pee all.the.time which drives me a bit crazy, especially as I know it'll only get worse.  I'd say I'm up an average of two to three times a night to use the washroom.  Of course, I've also been making an effort to drink more water, so I'm sure that's a contributing factor.  I often fall asleep on my stomach and am dreading when that becomes impossible.  I don't think I'll adjust to side-sleeping easily.

We got The Bean a "Best Big Bro" t-shirt earlier this week and may have him wear it at my birthday party next weekend.  Many of the guests already know, but there are still a good number who we haven't shared the news with yet.  My only concern is that a photo would make it onto Facebook, which I really don't want to happen as I don't want anyone else at work to find out (for fear of being excluded from potential job prospects for the fall).  So, we'll see what we end up doing with that... 


  1. Ahhh feeling like you have to pee all the time! I don't miss that one!

    I'm disappointed that we're missing your bday party. I left a message to tell you that we will be in CT (but it didn't show up on the wall). I would have loved to see you guys. When you're finished school, let's get together!

    1. I got your message! It showed up as a reply to someone else. We're sorry that you guys can't make it, but being out of the country is a pretty good excuse. ;) Hope you have a great trip and we'll definitely have to get together once the school year wraps up and you're back from your travels.

  2. The "need to constantly pee" is what told Kris she was pregnant with LM, so I look at this as a great thing, haha. I am sure Bean would look adorable in the Best Big Bro there anyway to ask people that the news not make it to FB? I hope you have a wonderful birthday celebration :)

    1. That's what I'm thinking we'll do re. the t-shirt. It really is super-cute.

      Thanks for the birthday wishes. :)

  3. Hey if you guys are on fb, I'd love to follow you. Also, if someone takes a photo of you and puts in on fb, the only way your co-workers would see it is if they were also friends with that person. If they "tagged" you in a photo, then you can not approve it or approve it and go into your privacy settings to make it where particular people can't see it. I had to do that with my son. We adopted him, but while he was a ward of the state, we were not supposed to put pics of him on social networking sites and our caseworker was actually a friend of mine on fb, so I just made it where she couldn't see any pics from certain albums. That is a lot of trouble to go through, but sometimes you just want to share those things :) Hope that helps. I'd love to connect on fb, so if you wanna look me up and "friend" me, my name is Brooke Elliott from Lubbock, TX.

  4. Looking forward to celebrating tomorrow. :)

  5. And thanks for removing the word verification!!!!
