Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Sprout is Two Months Old!

Today Sprout is two months old!

Okay, so she's actually two months and two days, but this is what happens when you have a second child, right?

I have to say, this baby continues to be a dream.  I know things could change at any point, so I'm trying to enjoy it.  She is just so, so good! 

-Breastfeeding continues to go well.  She's nursing pretty much every three or four hours now, but I don't really keep track.  She does a little more upon waking up for the day and before going to bed, but then sleeps a little longer after those periods, so it all balances out. 

-We had her two month check up today and she weighed in at 13.9lbs and measured just over 23in long.  She's huge!  The doctor said that was around the 97th percentile in both areas.  Probably needless to say, but she's following a good growth curve.  I just hope my arms and back muscles develop enough for me to keep slugging her around! 

-She naps through the day, including when we're out and about, which is SO nice, though we've just taken her bucket seat out of the car (the stickers fell off the side of it, making it illegal to use) and put in a convertible seat, so we'll see if she still sleeps as well with the added buckling and unbuckling that will be going on now. 

-We've avoided giving her a pacifier because we're pretty sure The Bean would end up trying to steal it from her, even thought it's been months since we weaned him from his.  She's pretty good at getting her fist to her mouth though, and seems to be content with that.  I just hope she doesn't start thumb-sucking. 

-She seems to have two alert periods during the day (morning and afternoon) and one in the later evening.  She really looks at us now and gives the most adorable big gummy smiles.  Seriously, her whole face smiles and she gets these super-cute little archy eyes.  I could just eat her up. 

-I'm making an effort to do some tummy time with her everyday, but I'll admit that I don't always get to it.  She does have a very strong neck though and will hold her head up and look back and forth a good bit before getting tired and flopping down.  She doesn't fuss when she's had enough, she just lies down and goes to sleep. 

-In fact, she rarely fusses.  I pretty much know that if she's start to complain that she's hungry, gassy or tired.  One day a week or two ago I had just fed her and was reading her books.  She started fussing and I was trying to be all super engaging and sing and talk to her to cheer her up, but eventually realized that wasn't working, so just turned her around for a snuggle and she fell asleep immediately.  I felt pretty badly about that one. 

-Again, I'm trying to make sure I read to her every day.  She doesn't seem to have any preferences right now, which means I get to pick my favouite books!

-She is very comfortably fitting in to 3mo/3-6mo clothing now.  The other stuff has almost all been packed up to pass along, sold or donated.  It makes me a little sad to be getting rid of the little baby stuff, but this is it for us, and I rather someone else get use out of it. 

-We had a good number of visitors this month and she seems to enjoy being held by pretty much everyone.  Grandma and Grandpa came up for a visit this past week and me and Jen took Sprout to her first concert (which she slept through thanks to some good noise-cancelling ear muffs and the Ergo).  She got tons of ohhs and ahhs and even got to go backstage and meet the band afterwards.  This kid is pretty cool.  ;)

-Her brother continues to ADORE her.  He smothers her with kisses and little pats on her head and tummy.  He also loves to hold her hand.  It is so sweet.  I love witnessing their relationship grow. 

Sprout brings us such joy.  We can't imagine our lives without her.


  1. Love the update. Can't wait to meet her. She sounds lovely and that picture is killing me. Adorable.

    When you mentioned developing muscles to carry her, I was reminded of lugging Ian around. By 9 months it was seriously hard. He was huge. We were so happy when he started walking (he walked before he crawled so there was no relief sooner.)

    1. We can't wait for you to meet her!

      I'm hoping that her growth stays on the curve but slows down a bit. O was so itty bitty, I'm not used to this!

  2. She is a cutie pie. Love the updates.

  3. I LOVE that picture of her!

    ps. With her growing the way she is, maybe I should give you more clothes (even though she and the girls are off seasons)!

    1. I wouldn't turn you down. :)

      P.S. She wore the red and white dress last night and looked GORGEOUS. Thank you sooo much for lending it to us.

  4. what a sweetie! she's grown out of her newborn face now, huh. love it!

    1. Yeah, she's lost a lot of the squish. Still super chubby though. :)

  5. sheesh! You guys have the worst luck with carseat stickers. I didn't even know those stickers could come off. Reading this makes me want to go give mine a rub...perhaps coat with Mod Podge!

    1. Oh, it's the same carseat. I didn't know they could come off either!

  6. AAAH! That picture is so ridiculously adorable! Its going so fast!
