Monday, March 24, 2014


Last Thursday when I went to pick up The Bean from daycare, his daycare provider told me that she would be going for the first round of treatment for her thyroid cancer the next day.  It was fine from my end, of course, just a little less notice than I had expected.  And I'm very glad that they were able to bump up her treatment from the expected late April date, as I'm sure it's better for her to receive the treatment as early as possible.  

So, my days as a SAHM with two at home with me came without the time to prepare that I thought I would have.  I'm happy to say that we have survived!  Perhaps even better, as I would say that we had quite an enjoyable week together.  

Here's a run-down of our activities, for anyone who might be interested.  

Though the calendar tells us otherwise, it is not quite spring here.  Still, Friday we joined Ashleigh, Teagan and Quinn for a walk outdoors at the Evergreen Brickworks.  I love it there.  Sprout, much to her chagrin, stayed strapped in the Ergo, but the others seemed to have a pretty good time exploring the Chimney Court and traipsing along the snow-covered paths.  Of course, hot apple cider/hot cocoa afterwards was also a hit with the toddler-set.  The fresh air seemed to wear my two out and after a hearty lunch both went down for a nap.  Hurrah!  

We enjoyed some family time over the weekend.  We thought we'd honour a Canadian tradition and take the kids to the sugar bush at Bruce's Mill, but it was FREEZING, so we called it quits before even getting to taste any maple syrup.  I suppose there's always next year.

Monday I took the kiddos to the Ontario Science Centre for the morning (we have a membership).  We sat through the entire planetarium show for the first time.  The Bean keeps reminding me that we was a little scared to go to the moon, but that he was brave to try something new.  For the record, he was he usual chatty self during the entire show, interacting with the host and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Zoom Zoom Zoom We're Going to the Moon with the best of them, and aside from holding my hand when I offered it to him during "blast off" showed no sign of being the slightest bit scared at all. 

Tuesday we checked out the Monarch Park Stadium .  $10 for both kiddos to get into "Toddler Time" there.  Kicking the soccer ball around the field and jumping in the bouncy castle they had set up kept both of them pretty busy and happy for a good hour and a half.  Tuesday afternoon we continued the soccer fun with a trial "Little Kickers" class for The Bean.  He did really well.  I think we will try to sign him up just as soon as we can figure out when is the best time to start him given our spring travel schedule.  

Wednesday was an at-home day.  Both kids seemed fine with taking it easy for the day though.  They played nicely together.  

Thursday as another at-home day, but I got a bit of a break, if you can call it that.  My aunt came over and watched the kids while I went downtown to interview to get on the sub list at another private school.  It was very informal, and all I have to do now is get them a clearance letter from the police and I'll be good to go.  I really, really hope that 1) They call and 2) One of the schools hires me full time for the fall.  As of now neither has any openings, but hopefully that changes.

Friday I took the kids to a new(ish) indoor playground called Sprouts.  Both of them seemed to enjoy themselves.  It was hard keeping track of both of them at all times --a theme throughout the week-- but we managed.  The staff there was really good too, and even watched The Bean for me when I went to make myself a cup of their complementary tea.  Pretty nice.  I think we'll be going back.  

Another family weekend.  Saturday morning, at The Bean's request we went to watch hockey.  He actually wanted to play hockey, but we had to explain that you need gear and to know how to skate (nevermind parents who will allow you to play hockey) before you can play.  Minutes after I left to go grocery shopping in the afternoon The Bean threw up all over the bathroom.  He threw up again after I got home, but that was it, thank goodness.  Sunday we went to the zoo.  It was a bit cold to walk around and a lot of the animals weren't out, but we did get to see the polar bear cub as well as the new infant gorilla.  Pretty darn cute.

Today The Bean was back at daycare.  It was quiet without him around.  Sprout and I are both fighting the beginning stages of a head cold, so it was probably good for us to have a quieter day, but we both missed him a lot.  


  1. sounds like you did great! It always feels so quiet and calm to me when I just have one kiddo to take care of. haha. When we had just one I felt totally overwhelmed!

  2. Sounds like you had a great time and were really busy. It really isn't so bad having multiple kids in your care at once--you really do get used to it, as you've probably discovered. And look at all of the cool stuff you got to do.

  3. Sounds like a really great week!

  4. We go to Sprouts often! It's such a great place for them to be independent and safe and have a lot of fun when the weather is no good.
    I'm nervous to be home with two but also pretty excited!
    Thanks for sharing your awesome week.

  5. It's always funny (not haha) for me to read this from you because whenever I am with you and the two kids, you handle it with such ease. I'm glad that you had fun, busy week :) We had a great time at the BW last week.

    ps. I have to email you about the Science Centre planetarium show. I should take the girls soon.
