Friday, May 17, 2013

This and That

There is much to say, but I haven't been able to find the time to say it.  I have a huge list of drafted blog posts (most just a sentence or two long) waiting to be completed, but realistically they'll probably just sit there until they become so outdated that I delete them, so you get this... a quick jumble of some of the  things that have been going on here the past few weeks.  (I only have until Sprout wakes up.)

  • My mood had improved quite a bit over the past several weeks, but last weekend we went to a local fair and I ran into some (actually many) students that I used to teach.  One was a girl that I had in my class last year.  I was wearing Sprout and introducing her to the girl and her family and the girl asked me if I had left the school to have Sprout.  I responded that I had left the school and had Sprout, but not left because I was having her.  Honestly, I didn't give her question a whole lot of thought at the time, but as we were leaving and after we got home I kept thinking about the implications of her question.  I realized that I don't know what sort of an explanation the kids got when they realized I wasn't at the school this year.  I never did get to explain to them about my leaving.  I fully realize that the reasons are much more significant to me than they are to the kids, but for over an entire year the heaviness of not being able to/having explained has sat with me.  It makes me very, very sad to think about. 
  • On a related note, I have sent out a few more job applications but haven't heard anything back at this point.  I'm anxious about what we will do if I do not find a teaching job for the fall.   (Likely start subbing once my maternity leave is over.)  I am quite sure that my anxiety surrounding this plays into how I've been feeling lately.  
  • In lighter news, it seems like the good weather might finally be here to stay.  We enjoyed fiddleheads last week --such a spring treat!  We've been going straight to the park after picking up The Bean and often playing there until dinnertime.  This week there was even an unexpected (for us) ice cream party to celebrate Shavout.  (We are not Jewish, but our neighbourhood has a lot of Hasidic Jewish people living in it.) The Bean ate devoured his first ice cream cone.  It was all over his nose/mouth/chin.  So cute.  Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me or else you'd surely be subjected to at least a hundred photos of his messy ice cream face.
  • This weekend is Victoria Day weekend in Canada so Monday is a holiday.  Jen took today off so right now we are packing for a visit to Grandma and Grandpa's house.  The Bean is SO excited.  (Okay, so some of us are just blogging about packing, but as soon as I'm done I'm going to throw some clothes into the suitcase.)  
  • I have new books!  Two of them!  I have no idea when I will read them, but I am excited about the prospect of reading them nonetheless.  Maybe The Bean will happily entertain himself on the six hour drive to Grandma and Grandpa's so I can read?  
There is much more I could write about, but I really should get going.  I'll try to check in again soon.


  1. I'm happy to hear you're feeling better.

    Have fun visiting grandparents this lovely May long weekend.

  2. I can completely understand your reaction as far as wanting to explain to the kids why you're not there anymore. There's a certain loss of control that comes along with the whole thing, I'm sorry.

    I had no idea you could eat fiddleheads...

  3. Super cute photos of the kids.

    Sorry about the job situation. It is depressing and can take a toll on you emotionally. I know how bad it sucks but I hope something works out. Subbing would provide you with a lot of hours too though, right???

    We'll have to get together soon.

    Have a great trip!

  4. I love all the pictures on the post - they are distracting me from concentrating on the actual text!! ;)

    I hope you get some leads on the job front soon and can take that bit of stress off your plate. I will keep my fingers crossed.

    So what books are you about to read? I need something new...

    1. I got sent a copy of a book (which I will be reviewing as soon as I have a chance to write) called Finding Bluefield.

      The book I've really wanted to read and am just waiting to crack open is called The Virgin Cure by Amy McKay. She wrote another book called The Birth House that I really enjoyed.

      AND I just found out that one of my favourite authors, Khaled Hosseini has a new book out (two days old!) called And The Mountains Echoed. I cannot wait to read it!

  5. I've never heard of fiddleheads! I had to google it. What do they taste like?? Also, sprout is so stinkin cute! Look at those cheeks.

    1. They're delicious, Katy! They taste sort of like asparagus. Tender but with a little bit of meat to them. We like to steam them and then pan fry them with some butter and garlic. Mmmm!
