Monday, October 29, 2012

*Navalgazing* Reflections at 33 (+2) Weeks Pregnant

Well, this has been quite the week.

I made an appointment with a second chiropractor on Thursday, since my usual one wasn't available.  It did not go well.  She didn't have a pregnancy pillow and I think she actually ended up putting my rib out worse than it was prior to the visit (it had been getting better).  Though not as bad as last week, I'm still in quite a bit of pain.  I think I'm going to have to see if the first chiro is available again. 

I also started having some Braxton Hicks contractions this week.  I first noticed them when I had the TENS machine on at home (trying to ease the rib pain).  The Braxton Hicks didn't hurt at all, but were quite consistant.  I took the TENS machine off, wondering if that had caused them, but they continued even without the machine on and continued generally in the evening throughout the week.   Finally on Friday I called the midwife to make sure they weren't a reason for concern.  She seemed to think that I have been overdoing it a bit --on my feet to much, which is a definite possibility-- and advised spending an hour "down" for each two hours "up".  Both Saturday and Sunday I napped when The Bean napped and it did seem to help.  Hopefully they don't become an issue. 

I had a dream that I went into labour this week.  Though I'm getting to the point where I'm ready to be done being pregnant, I was still pretty freaked out in the dream.  I'll be happy to go full term, but rather not go late.  Not that there's much I can do to control that. 

I had my midwife appointment today and everything continues to appear on track.  She was asking how I felt about labour and I told her about my dream.  She said that she often has dreams about her clients, and that she had dreamt about me going into labour before Christmas.  Maybe just wishful thinking on her part, but maybe there's something to it. ;) 

Here's a photo from this morning (I also finally updated with last week's photo):


  1. Rib pain. Its seriously the worst. Sorry the appt didnt go well :( Darling baby belly tho!

  2. I'm glad to hear your BH has gotten better. I'm sorry to hear your Chiro didn't go well. Hopefully you can get to see your usual person soon.

  3. Wow, you look fabulous! I'm sorry to hear your hurting - hope you are able to get back in with the good chiro.

  4. So sorry about your rib pain. :( Hope they can help get it a bit better again.

  5. I am thinking 12-12-12 would be a good day for Sprout to arrive ;)

    1. The Bean's birthday is 01-11-11, so a 12-12-12 birthday would be a nice complement to that. ;)

  6. I'm glad to hear things are good. I'm so sorry about the rib pain. Does the TENS machine help at all? I'm tempted to rent one if it does - my rib pain is quite intense and getting worse.

    It's always nice to be reminded to slow down... I hope you get the rest you need.

    1. We have found the TENS machine to be great for back pain. I stopped using it last week because I was concerned that it was contributing to the BH contractions, but may try again and see how it goes as I'm still quite uncomfortable.

  7. You look great! Hang in there!

  8. Sorry to hear you're in so much pain and the chiropractor made it worse. I hope the other chiro can get you feeling good again.

  9. I'm sorry that you're in so much pain and that the appointment did not go well. If it makes you feel any better, I had lots of labour dreams too and had to be induced :)
