
Thursday, May 31, 2012


I have to say, as far as rejection letters go, this one was really nice.

Dear Allison,

We thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you through the interview process and we appreciated your willingness to come in to teach a lesson for us. Our hiring process is now complete. Given your pregnancy, we have filled the SK position with someone who can commit for the entire school year. However, we encourage you to keep in touch with us here at [our school] as an opportunity may come up again in the future.

Best wishes to you as you finish the school year and with your expanding family!

Warm regards,

I was a little surprised at myself.  I knew that I definitely wouldn't get the job given the fact that I chose to disclose my pregnancy because of long-term/future job potential, but I was still really disappointed to get this letter.

The closer the end of the school year gets, the more anxiety I'm feeling about not having a job lined up for the fall.  I've started to try to figure out EI and maternity benefits and what is going to make the most sense and I'm sure it will all work out (somehow) but I wish, wish, wish this weren't the situation.  :/


  1. Aww, I'm sorry you didn't get it. It sounds like they really liked you, though, and that was such a nice letter. I hope something will come up for you soon.

  2. Sorry about this, but at least it was a positive note. Something else will come along. My Mother always tells me that things will always work out as they should, they just may not work out as you had planned them to.

    Good luck with the job search!

    Jennifer @dark blue dragon

  3. bummer. you'll figure something out for fall, and maybe they'll have another opening when you're ready for them!

    1. I'm trying to figure out some plans for the fall (subbing and tutoring probably) and hoping that I'm able to find something full time for the following fall.

  4. That is a really nice rejection letter and shows that they recognize the immense talent that you have to offer. I know it is hard, but agree with you that it is all somehow going to work out. Just from how you write and the thoughts you provide here and in comments on other people's blogs, I can tell that you are a natural teacher and certain things will come around to be the way they of luck! :)

    1. That's very sweet of you to say, Amanda. I hope they do come around!

  5. Ugh...I am so sorry. I do have to say, though, that it will all work out. It may be a bit of a bumpy ride, but I am confident it will all work out just fine :-) Be kind to yourself throughout the are carrying all the hope you need within you...figuratively and literally ;-)

  6. Boo. Hope you can find something soon and ease your worries

  7. that's sucks! I thought that was illegal....maybe not. Or maybe it is where I live.

    1. It's illegal to not allow me to apply or to disqualify me for being pregnant, but I pretty much knew when I told them that I'd be out of the running. I'm pretty confident that I would have got the position otherwise. It sucks, but I wasn't willing to jeopardize a future relationship with the school by not telling them and leaving them in a difficult position in December.

  8. I'm sorry it didn't work out. I guess if they had two great candidates, and one was pregnant and one not, it does make sense to go with the one who is not. Bummer though.

    1. Hopefully the other candidate isn't too great and if something comes up in the future I get the position over them! lol.

  9. That is totally illegal in the UK, and if they had made the decision based on your pregnancy, they would have to make something else up instead to cover it up!

    1. I'm sure that they could have made something else up, but I'm also kind of glad that is seems the only reason I didn't get it is because of the pregnancy. It gives me hope that I'll find something when I'm actually looking for/able to work a full-year contract!
